Friday, May 30, 2008

Li-Leger Pompeii Patterns painting

Li-Leger Pompeii Patterns painting
Li-Leger Poppy Dance painting
Li-Leger Poppy Nine Patch painting
Li-Leger Poppy Tile I painting
"I don't know. I'm afraid not, for I didn't have any heart just then."
"Prut! That I do not believe. It was asleep till the fairy prince came through the wood, and waked it up. Ah, well, `Die erste Liebe ist die beste', but that I should not expect."
"Yes, the first love is the best, but be so contented, for I never had another. Teddy was only a boy, and soon got over his little fancy," said Jo, anxious to correct the Professor's mistake.
"Good! Then I shall rest happy, and be sure that thou givest me all. I haf waited so long, I am grown selfish, as thou wilt find , Professorin."
"I like that," cried Jo, delighted with her new name. "Now tell me what brought you, at last, just when I wanted you?"
"This." And Mr. Bhaer took a little worn paper out of his waistcoat pocket.
Jo unfolded it, and looked much abashed, for it was one of her own contributions to a paper that paid for poetry, which accounted for her sending it an occasional attempt.
"How could that bring you?" she asked, wondering what he meant.

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