Sunday, September 14, 2008

Edmund Blair Leighton Lady in a Garden painting

Edmund Blair Leighton Lady in a Garden paintingEdmund Blair Leighton Stitching the Standard paintingPaul McCormack The Symbol of Man painting
anyhow: it was Bray I wanted; no, not even Bray: WESCAC. No, not even WESCAC: death. So far had my spirits, unaccountably, plunged! To Re-place the Founder's Scroll, to Pass the Finals, to do single combat with WESCAC and what it represented -- it was of no importance, I could not even think, my mind was on My obscure Ladyship. I had come from Infirmary to Library out of habit, like Mother, following the order of my spring-term Tutorship. Humming, she fetched from her knitting-bag a key -- someone must have forgot to collect it from her -- and unlocked the door. The faulty console in the corner began winking, as if roused from sleep.
"Would you care for something to read?" Mother asked automatically.
"No -- no thank you, ma'am."
She ignored the new nameplate on her desk and eased herself into the swivel-chair as though ready for work, though the office lights were out and she still had her coat on. "Well, you look around and let me know if you want anything, sonny. There's nothing like a good book."
My heart lifted not a little; I kissed her hair. Again, from her innocent darkness, she had illumined me!

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