Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John William Waterhouse My Sweet Rose painting

John William Waterhouse My Sweet Rose paintingJohn William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus paintingJohn William Waterhouse waterhouse Ophelia painting
hundred years before Livia's birth, was unmistakably the face of Livia. And in this context I must write about Marcellus, the son of Octavia by a former husband. Augustus, who was devoted to Marcellus, had adopted him as his son, giving him administrative duties greatly in advance of his years; and had married him to Julia. The common opinion at Rome was that he intended to make Marcellus his heir. Livia did not oppose the adoption, and indeed seemed genuinely to welcome it as giving her greater facility for winning Marcellus's affection and confidence. Her devotion to him seemed beyond question. It was by her advice that Augustus advanced him so rapidly in rank; and Mar cellus, who knew of this, was duly grateful to her.
Livia's motive in favouring Marcellus was thought by a few shrewd observers to be that of making Agrippa jealous. Agrippa was the most important man at Rome

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