Monday, November 3, 2008

Andrew Atroshenko Before the Dance painting

Andrew Atroshenko Before the Dance paintingEdward Hopper Second Story Sunlight paintingEdward Hopper Route 6 Eastham painting
had never done back ; why, when power had been removed from his hands and delivered into hers, did she act -- as her husband put it -- the "sad sack", the "glum chum" and the "moochy pooch"? Simple: not in spite of, but on account of. Everything she valued had been upset by the change; had in this process of translation, been lost.
Her language: obliged, now, to emit these alien sounds that made her tongue feel tired, was she not entitled to moan? Her familiar place: what matter that they had lived, in Dhaka, in a teacher's humble flat, and now, owing to entrepreneurial good sense, savings and skill with spices, occupied this four--storey terraced house? Where now was the city she knew? Where the village of her youth and the green waterways of ? The customs around which she had built her life were lost, too, or at least were hard to find. Nobody in this Vilayet had time for the slow courtesies of back home, or for the many observances of faith. Furthermore: was she not forced to put up with

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