Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rothko Orange Brown

Rothko Orange BrownRothko Orange and Yellow3Rothko Orange and Yellow2Rothko Old Gold over White
time he reached a away as they made their way back into the square. Somebody inside the church had just turned off the lights.

   Then Hermione's voice came out of the blackness for the third time, sharp and clear from a few yards away.

"Harry, they're here . . . right here."
new headstone he felt a little lurch of apprehension and anticipation.    The darkness and the silence seemed to become, all of a sudden, much deeper. Harry looked around, worried, thinking of dementors, then realized that the carols had finished, that the chatter and flurry of churchgoers were fading
   And he knew by her tone that it was his mother and father this time: He moved toward her, feeling as if something heavy were pressing on his chest, the same sensation he had had right after Dumbledore had died

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